How Much Do Light Bulbs Cost?

Your lighting bulbs can make or break your space- makes the difference between an inviting, warm, clinical, and cold atmosphere. You need to keep replacing or changing your light bulbs to help you sustain the value of your lighting system.

When planning your lighting maintenance, you have to ask yourself: how much will the light bulbs cost? Understanding your priorities will help you get the best out of your regular maintenance program.

What is a Light Bulb?

The light bulb is a small and simple light source invented for illumination. There are several types of light bulbs, but choosing one that suits your lighting needs does not have to be difficult.

Types of Light Bulbs

Incandescent bulbs

Incandescent bulbs have been the most common lighting type since electricity was invented. They function by conducting electrical current along a filament made of tungsten metal. All standard 40, 60-, 75-, and 100-watt incandescent bulbs have been eliminated and are no longer being produced. However, specialty incandescent bulbs, like chandelier bulbs, are still available.

CFL Light Bulbs

Compact Fluorescent lamp (CFL) bulbs are made from glass tubes filled with mercury and gas and operate through the mercury molecules, becoming agitated as electricity moves through the electrodes at the bulb’s base. Mercury releases UV light that cannot be seen by the naked eye through the white coating inside the CFL bulb. This makes the light visible to your eyes.

CFL bulbs are more energy-efficient compared to incandescent bulbs and don’t emit heat inside your house. Although mercury exposure may pose numerous harmful health effects, the amount in CFL bulbs is relatively low.

Halogen Light Bulbs

Halogen lightbulbs come with a filament that is heated until it produces a glow. They function like incandescent bulbs but consume less energy.

LED Light Bulbs

Light-emitting diodes (LED) bulbs work as a two-lead semiconductor light source. When electric currents are passed to the leads, electrons reconnect with the electron holes inside the bulb and emit much-needed light. LED bulbs are the most energy-efficient form of lighting on the market today, but they are a bit expensive.

How Much Do Light Bulbs Cost?

How Much Do Light Bulbs Cost?

The cost of light bulbs varies depending on the brand and type. Traditional incandescent bulbs can cost as little as a few cents. LED light bulbs, which are durable and more energy-efficient, are a bit expensive, costing anywhere from $5 to $20 or more for high-end models.

CFLs are also energy-efficient but are more affordable than LED bulbs, costing around $1 to $4. Energy Star Certified bulbs are more expensive than ordinary ones, but they are worth the price, thanks to their energy efficiency and durability.

What is the Cheapest Light Bulb to Use?

LED bulbs are generally the cheapest option to use because they are durable and energy efficient. Although they are a bit expensive compared to fluorescent or traditional incandescent bulbs, they will save money in the long run by minimizing replacement costs and energy consumption.

CFL light bulbs are also cheaper to use than traditional incandescent bulbs. This is because they are more durable and energy-efficient compared to incandescent alternatives. However, they are not as durable as LED light bulbs.

Why Should You Use LED Light Bulbs?

LED lights are becoming increasingly popular as the favorite lighting option for homes because of the numerous advantages attached to them. They are durable, energy-efficient, and last longer. LED light bulbs are also versatile because they are available in different colors and can suit a variety of settings.

LED lightbulbs do not have any harmful chemicals, like mercury, making them more environmentally friendly. Generally, LEDs are a great choice for those looking to save money on lighting costs and reduce their energy consumption in the long run.

What to Consider When Purchasing Light Bulbs

The most important factor to consider when buying light bulbs is to choose an option that will save you money and reduce energy consumption in the long run. You should also look for bulbs that have a longer lifespan. LEDs have the longest lifespan, followed by CFLs and halogens.

When comparing LED and CFL bulbs, ensure you choose a bulb that has the highest lumens rating, as this will guarantee more light. Energy Star-rated bulbs are also among the most efficient devices out there. Both LED and CFL bulbs are available in a wide array of color temperatures.

Do LED Bulbs Save Money?

Although LED light bulbs are more expensive than traditional incandescent bulbs, their energy efficiency and durability make them more cost-effective. While incandescent bulbs are cheaper, you may have to buy them more frequently, and they consume far more electricity.

How to Change a Lightbulb

  • Turn off the power: Although this sounds obvious, you should always take a minute to ensure that your light switch is off. You should also ensure that the bulb is cool if it’s been on for some time.
  • Look for a secure stool: Ensure you have a secure platform to stand on when replacing your bulb. You can choose a table, chair, or step ladder. It is important to ensure that you can stand on it without tipping or rocking.
  • Remove the old bulb: If you can reach out to the burnt-out bulb, grasp it gently and remove it. Do not squeeze it too hard, or you might cut yourself or smash the bulb.
  • Replace it with a new one: Change the bulb by inserting it in the socket. Ensure that the new bulb matches the power rating of your fixture.
  • Light up: Once you’ve installed your bulb, turn on the lights and confirm if it’s working.
  • Dispose of the old bulb: Light bulbs are hazardous when disposed of carelessly and can explore causing severe harm. Do not dispose of the burnt-out bulbs right into the bin. Wrap the bulb in another paper to avoid further accidents.


The cost of light bulbs depends on the brand and type. The price can also vary depending on the packaging and size of the bulbs. However, it’s important to consider the initial price and long-term cost when purchasing your light bulbs.

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